Here are the basic steps for smoking a tobacco pipe: 1. Fill the bowl with tobacco. You can use whatever type of tobacco you like, but Virginia and Burley are the most common types used in pipes. Fill the bowl so that it is slightly compressed, but not overflowed. 2. Light the tobacco and tamp it down lightly with a tamper or your finger. This will keep the tobacco burning evenly and prevent it from being too loose or too tight in your pipe. 3. Let the tobacco burn until it reaches an ash-gray color, then tamp it down again with your finger or tamper before relighting it again to continue smoking your pipe. 4. When you're finished, place your pipe back in its rack so that its bowl is facing upward to allow moisture to escape from inside of it Smoking a pipe is a relaxing and enjoyable experience, but it can be intimidating for those who have never tried it. Pipes require a certain level of expertise and patience that other smoking methods don't requi...